Dooars: A nature's splendor with pictorial tour

The Dooars or Duars are the foothills of the eastern Himalayas in North-East India around Bhutan. Duar means 'door' and the region forms the gateway to Bhutan from India. ... The Western Dooars is known as the Bengal Dooars and the Eastern Dooars as the Assam Dooars.

Places to Visit in Dooars

DooarsDarshan tour and travels


Jaldapara National Park Situated in the Eastern foothills of the Himalayas, the Jaldapara Wildlife Sanctuary along with Gorumara National Park is famous for one horned rhinoceros, elephants and Bengal Tigers, spotted deers, barking deers, sambhar deers, bison, wild pig, hog deer and bison.

DooarsDarshan tour and travels

Chapramari Wildlife Centuary

Chapramari Wildlife Sanctuary is close to the Gorumara National Park. Chapramari is about 30 kilometres from Chalsa and Lataguri in northern West Bengal, India. The total coverage of the forest is 960 hectares.This Wildlife Sanctuary is spectacle of nature's magnificence. With Kanchanjungha and other Himalayan peaks painted across its backdrop, tourists can see a wide diversity of animals like elephants, gaur, leopards in their natural habitat. It is great place to go.

DooarsDarshan tour and travels

Buxa Tiger reserve

This is the largest forest in Dooars region covering an area of 759 square kilometers. In fact the northern part of the reserve extends to Phipsu Wildlife Sanctuary of Bhutan and hence the reserve has become part of a corridor for elephants to migrate between Bhutan and Dooars. In 1983 Buxa was declared as a Tiger Reserve. The number of tigers in Buxa was found to be second highest in West Bengal after Sundarbans. In 1992 due to its extensive bio-diversity the reserve was given the status of a National Park. Although some newspapers reported that number of tigers here have diminished to zero from 20, some recent study on animal stool (conducted first time in eastern India) showed that tigers are still present in the forest of Buxa - there are minimum 15 tigers which are likely to be still present at Buxa Tiger Reserve. .

DooarsDarshan tour and travels


Lataguri is a small town located in the Jalpaiguri district of Indian state of West Bengal. ... in one hour journey by bus or train. The school is situated in an area known as Dooars which is the tea-belt of North Bengal other than Darjeeling..